Vabljeni na predstavitev UZ CrystaLine in namenskih MR sistemov
(G-scan Brio in O-scan)
Poteka vsako leto na Dunaju in zajema vsa področja radiologije.
Predstavlja zdravniško posebnost radiologije po vsej Evropi in Sredozemlju in je zrasel v enega največjih medicinskih srečanj na svetu in v drugi največji radiološki kongres.
Kongresa se udeleži več kot več kot 20.000 strokovnjakov iz skoraj 100 držav.
ECR 2014 bo potekal v AUSTRIA CENTER VIENNA, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1 Dunaj, Austria.
Razstavni prostor Esaote se bo nahajal na Expo Extension A – Booth No. 8.
Na razstavnem prostoru Esaote vam bodo premierno predstavljeni UZ sistemi z inovativnim CrystaLine pristopom ultrazvočnega slikanja:
esaote_enews_ecr2014.pdf |
- Presentation: Clinical implications of WB MRI of the lumbar spine and the potential to improve patient treatment and outcome Dr. Mikael Boesen, MD Radiologist MSK specialist - Head of MSK research and specialist in Radiology at Department of Radiology, Bispebjerg & Frederiksberg Hospital and Parker Institute Copenhagen, Denmark. Duration: 30 min
- Presentation: up-right MRI of the lumbo-sacral spine: 10 years after. Prof. Massimo Gallucci, Neuro-radiologist from University of l'Aquila Duration Time: 30 min
Workshop DCEUS | 8.3.2014 od 12.30 do 13.20
Prof. Emilio Quaïa, Trieste – Italy
Bracco and Esaote offer a 50 minutes educational session for radiologists on quantification of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (DCEUS) based on the use of the Bracco quantification software VueBox™ and contrast-enhanced ultrasound sequences acquired with the MyLab™Twice. Brief introductory lectures will provide an overview of concepts in DCEUS quantification and in perfusion of intestinal wall. In the hands on session, the participants will perform their own analysis of MyLab™Twice clips under the supervision of Prof. Emilio Quaïa using laptops equipped with the VueBox™ software.
Za vse informacije v zvezi s prijavo na predstavitev nam lahko pišete na [email protected]i.
Uradno vabilo za DCEUS workshop! |